Sunday, October 26, 2014

It seemed to be a week of large and small - mostly large!! We had to take one of the cars to the shop so I got to drive (I haven't driven since we've been here). Somewhere along the route we got separated, I had some idea how to get there but not for sure. It took me just long enough to find the shop for Clark to drop off the "sick" car and start walking to our next destination. I got to the shop of workers who don't speak English - I pointed to my badge, they pointed to the door. Did that mean "get out?" or that "Mein Mann" had left? They let me use the phone to find him. That night twenty-one of us went bowling - haven't bowled in years - followed by "All you can eat ribs!" We had another good turn-out to Institute on Tuesday and had pulled pork sandwiches. These two large meals were followed by a large lunch at the home of some fantastic people. They told us the story of their lives through the war - they have seen some rough times but are so grateful for family, the gospel and small things in their lives now. It was humbling to be in their home. That night was another large experience - 12 people from around the world at German class! Another large experience was being able to go to the Swiss Temple - we heard French, Italian, German and even English while we were there. We made another trip to fix a bed in Zurich and another trip to Gottmadingen to pick up our snow tires and extra "garbage" that needed to be cleaned out of their apartment. I guess there was really nothing small about this week - we experienced miracles, love, gratitude, humility and fun. We are so grateful for this experience!
Amazing people!
"All you can eat ribs!" Monday nights! I think we have found
our new Family Home Evening Activity!

We both got to bowl!

Most are from other countries wanting to learn German. More amazing people!

It was a gorgeous day in Bern, you could see the Alps!

On one of our trips we took a wrong turn and wound up at this little covered
bridge. It was barely wide enough for one car so we had to take turns.

We held our breath, pounded a bit, he can sleep on a comfy bed again!

This is a bed. We are learning way more about German beds than we thought we
would ever need, this "frame"was 1/2 centimeter too big for the bed, so Handyman
 sawed off the needed amount, they put it back together.

I posted a picture a few months ago at this same place,
it was a corn field. Now that the corn has been
harvested we can see clear to the Bodensee and the
Alps beyond! This is up the hill from our apartment.
We haul stuff in to apartments, we haul stuff out of apartments!

Monday, October 20, 2014

We have done a lot, seen a lot, helped a lot, traveled a lot, took lots of pictures, have had lots of fun and been to a lot of conferences in the last two weeks. Handyman has fixed beds, toilets, helped with garbage, knew he couldn't fix electrical issues, and bought a guitar. We also discovered a shoe outlet in our travels. We absolutely love what we are doing and love the people we meet!!

Double Zone Conference with about 100 young elders and sisters.
We love learning from these wonderful, ambassadors of goodness.

One of our apartment checks surprised us with cookies!

One of our loads of supplies going out to the young missionaries' apartments.

At the Senior Conference we got to hear these two play.
Why would anyone make a statue like this?
It was a cool rainy day as we toured Munich. Our new friends!

All of these guys served missions in Germany in the late 60s/early 70s.

This statue, however, was fantastic.
Our "help" with garbage. YOU pick it up, we'll haul it.
Our Mission President and his family. Anyone who served a mission
in Southern Germany will recognize the picture behind them.
He could do a commercial for Duct Tape. He is one of our dear friends and yes,
 he is taping his car together.
A tradition we will take home with us. It is called Racklett (I think). The little black trays hold a thick slice of cheese, they are inserted into the bottom level of this grill, as the cheese melts you put boiled potatoes and other veggies on your plate (veggies are kept hot on the top part of the grill), when your cheese is melted, pour it over your veggies, eat and repeat.  Oh, my!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

We are busy!! No time to blog!! Zurich today, Munich tomorrow - such fun and fun work!

Monday, October 6, 2014

 It's hard to choose just a few pictures each week that typify what our week looks like. But since there is no such thing as a typical week these represent some of the fun activities that we were able to enjoy. Round Robin Ping Pong is a great game! Everyone takes turns hitting the ball as they run around the table! We tried it once and got worn out. Over the last few weeks we have made several trips to Freiburg, always in a hurry, and always with an agenda. This trip we accomplished our task and decided to take a walk through the city before heading home. It's a beautiful city with tons of history. On that same trip we saw this little touristy place with a life size Cuckoo Clock that was so much fun to watch and listen to. Even more enjoyable was listening to the kids giggle as they were watching. Watching families enjoy each other's company makes us homesick so being invited to a family birthday party helps. This fabulous family treated us like family. To end a full week we were able to watch conference. Twice a year The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has General Conference. The Conference is a chance for all the world to enjoy messages from Prophets of God and is broadcast the world over in 100+ languages. We enjoyed watching it with these people of nine different nationalities in English. Another room was set up for German speakers.