Sunday, July 26, 2015

Oh, the memories we made. We toured a castle, went bowling, celebrated a birthday, ate with dear friends, and made new friends. We saw antelope, more swans in nearby streams, storks everywhere and watched fields being harvested.  Because of technology and help from a dear friend we were able to make an audio copy of the Book of Mormon in Russian and deliver it to very grateful friends. Taught more lessons, studied, prayed and napped. All great memories!
I was surprised with a can of root beer.
You can't buy root beer here. Delish!!

"Mommy, mommy, come snap me!"
Fantastic dinner with dear friends!

Sigmaringen Castle complete with swans.

They are always up for ice cream!!

We're so happy they like to bowl!

All she wanted for her birthday was a sunflower field.
I'm glad we could deliver!! Can you see the Sisters?

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Our last Zone Training with this Zone. Some going home,
some getting moved to other areas, and we are getting combined
with another zone. Great young men and women, great teachers of
 Christ's Gospel.
They also know how to be goofy!

 A week of funny things! We got to play Santa by delivering fans. We offered a fan to one guy and he said, "Why do I need a fan? I'm from Africa!" So we gave it to other Africans. The stores keep running out of fans. This heat is usually saved for August, I'm afraid of what August weather might bring! At Institute I had made Cheesy Chicken Casserole with broccoli  - one guy said, "I can't eat broccoli it gives me diarrhea." TMI Another new guy said, "I'm vegetarian but I can eat around the chicken." Can't win them all - it all got eaten though! We made Italian Rolls for a Zone Training. After everyone had taken one and were eating I announced there was enough for everyone to have two. One guy said, "Oh, oh,I've already had 3." We made 40 and they were all devoured - no vegetarians and no diarrhea as far as we know.
Kids learn how to ride bikes starting at age 18 months on these
little bikes. Seriously, get out of their way!
Two happy recipients of fans.
It was cool enough one day to stroll around this
beautiful little lake close to our home.
We met this gentleman from Provo, Utah.
He served a mission in Germany a few
years ago and was here doing some language assessment.
He knows 4 of our good friends from home - small world.

This is the most tiring, exhilarating, stressful, rewarding and blessed work we have ever done - next to raising our FamLee. 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Most cities have stork nest poles and most
poles have a stork nest in them.
Times flies when you're having fun - I guess we need to not have so much fun! We just passed our one year mark on this mission. After a day of exploring Santis in the Alps and getting lost in Lichtenstein (do you know how big Lichtenstein is?) we went to work. It was the last Institute for our first missionary to leave, she will definitely be missed! We were able to go to the Temple with her and her family, a very special experience. We visited a few people in their homes and had another street display. It is still hot, a night of rain relieved some of the humidity, but the temp and the humidity are climbing back up. We tried to buy some fans for some of the people that don't have fans - not a fan left in any stores.

The Primary Class (minus a couple). The teachers need to speak
two languages to communicate with these cuties.

It looks like we are on top of the world. I think we were!

Can you find the real people?

Institute will be changing as some leave on missions.
Our Russian friends give the best hugs! We can't communicate
much but we feel the love.
When we see this we know we are almost home.

Jumping for joy to be at the temple.
Reading is important in this city! Books tied to park benches and a
sign designate these as "Reading Benches."

We are on top of the world in more ways than one!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

It seems to be more than warm everywhere!! It's over 100 at home and has been for days/weeks. It's in the 90s here but with humidity and no air conditioning. The word "sauna" keeps coming to mind. We had more fun with the camera this week than usual. We traveled to Triberg (home of the largest Cuckoo Clock), helped with a street display, fed the missionaries a few times, had a great turn out at Institute and celebrated the 4th of July. Isn't a sauna supposed to help you lose weight? It's not working!
Happy 4th of July 2015!

This is what a street display looks like. 90+ degrees. We had lots of good
discussions about what makes people happy. What makes you happy?

Sometimes the camera tilts.
Sometimes the camera cooperates.

Triberg, Germany with two fantastic missionaries.

Gorgeous view after a great lunch.
Sometimes giving the camera to someone gets better shots than balancing
the camera and setting the timer.

Institute is growing, until now. Two are leaving on missions
of their own - one to Armenia, one to Berlin. We are so proud of them!