Sunday, April 26, 2015

Every morning we pinch ourselves to make sure this is all real and not a dream. We traveled to Tuebingen to help a young sister get her Visa. It's a city I've never heard of but oh so beautiful! We were so happy we were able to help out and see this gem of a town at the same time. We also went to Munich to hear Elder Bednar - he gave a wonderful message of hope, obedience and gratitude. As we took notes he reminded us to write what our spirits and hearts heard not our ears. It was a spectacular experience. We were able to see many of our young missionaries that have been transferred. All 250 missionaries were there. While in Munich we toured some amazing historical sites. We ended the week with friends at church and a dinner made for a king. We are treated so well! Our testimonies of the Gospel of Jesus Christ are growing as are our waistlines!
Four lovely Sisters in Tubingen the Beautiful!

I was hoping to hop on a boat but we'll have to do that another time.
Wonderful fruit/vegetable stands in every city.

Munich Opera House.
Spectacular architecture everywhere.
A cute face we were happy to see again.
One of the cute faces we were happy to see.

The Seniors of the Alpine German Speaking Mission.

They make us feel so welcome and loved.

This was just the delicious salad.
Everything was made with a special touch!


Sunday, April 19, 2015

It was nice to catch up on office work, clean and regroup. We spent most of Monday making enchiladas for 30, most of Tuesday eating those enchiladas and meeting with the zone and Institute and the rest of the week catching up on things we have neglected. Weather has changed to Spring, flowers and trees are showing off their colors and of course rain to make all things brighter. We were able to meet friends for dinner and traveled by train for a nice day of exploring a neighboring city. A very nice week of work mixed with needed rest.
A fantastic place for lunch in the sun and great food.
Look at those blue skies, phenomenal view of Hohentwiel (google it).

Our front "yard" in the Spring.


Some of the 30 that enjoyed the enchiladas.

And another meal - we really do more than eat!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

We received some lovely Easter gifts.
We LOVE what we are doing, the people we meet, experiences and places we go. We have passed our half-way mark - time is passing way too quickly.

Our precious Promise loves her picture taken!

We have to laugh so we won't cry when our fellow missionaries leave.
Love these precious friends.
Lindau is an amazing and beautiful part of the world.

View from the island of Lindau.
We had a great time exploring with friends!
Some of our friends. Grandsons with their Oma.
We are grateful for every day we are able to be here. We miss our famLee and friends at home but being here helps us appreciate them so much more. We are grateful for the love and support we receive from our friends here and at home. Feeling so blessed!!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Beautiful Bern, Switzerland
This was NOT a typical week! We traveled to Zurich and Bern Switzerland to deliver packages to missionaries (and while we were there we did a little exploring). We traveled to Frankfurt, Germany to be with one of our "daughters" when she was sealed to her sweet new husband (and while we were there we went to another one of our favorite little cities for lunch). The weather was crazy snowy/rain driving to and from Frankfurt but beautiful for wedding pictures outside the temple. The last two days we have enjoyed watching General Conference, appreciating and remembering our Savior this Easter season and glad to be "home." Our Easter dinner was schnitzel, boiled potatoes, sauce, rotkohl, carrot slaw and chocolate cake. Delish if I do say so myself!
This is the way down into the salt mine
from last week. Almost Disneylandesque!

Two of these are leaving us this week. Love our missionaries!
It was a beautiful day at the Frankfurt Temple!
Very sweet experience being with these two.
Beautiful bride!

Rudesheim, Germany. A great place to go for lunch right on the Rhein.

Almost flooding Rhein River.