Sunday, June 28, 2015

We get to be involved in so many varied activities. We work but this week it all looks like fun. We got to go to a city festival and talked to many people, ate some Thüringen sausages and enjoyed the atmosphere.
That time again to say good bye. She's been a great influence
on us and everyone around her. She is being transferred to Austria.
Yard work for a wonderful family that is moving. She gave Elder Lee
the "high stuff" because she didn't think it would be good for him
to keep bending over "that's for the young 'uns."

Met this couple from Washington state. Does anyone recognize them?

We've been told we had to go to this garden island, so we did, and on
a beautiful day - Insel Mainau.

We even ran into friends on the garden tour.

As a women's activity for our congregation we took a boat ride around
Lake Konstanz (Bodensee). Wow. This is the Swiss side of the lake.
Another good bye. The LDS church uses it's local members to be
leaders of congregations. We have had a fabulous leader here but
he and his family are moving. Sad day. Lots of teary good byes.

All church activities include food. After the boat ride we had Italian
ice cream at the "best place in Germany!" Seriously YUM.

Hello to our newest sister missionary. She's going to love it here.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

We are a little travel weary but we're not complaining! We made three trips to Zurich for apartment checks, another city in Switzerland (Kreuzlingen) for a meeting, various other small cities to either help with a move or take the missionaries, and a little sight seeing. We've used up our mileage allotment and we still have ten days left in the month. Elder Lee had the opportunity to give a blessing to a baby. We've seen lots of blessings - finding hard-to-find apartments, good health, happy people, people asking to know more about God. The more we look for blessings the more we find.
A field of storks, we don't remember seeing storks at home.
Apartment check. They are both standing.

German yeast is the best! But look out, you never know when it will
stop. This is 3 small loaves of Armenian Bread.

Technology. The young missionaries were all issued ipads this week.

They needed a new table so they had another opportunity to use
their carpenter skills.

We were hoping to have lunch here on one of our travels.
Next time.

Stein Am Rhein - where the Rhein begins.

Such a fun and delicious lunch!
All of these are blessings for which we are so grateful!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Summer is here - high humidity, high heat, thunder and lightening, downpours, repeat. Thank goodness for fans and umbrellas. Sometimes we just walk around the cheese department at the grocery to cool off. Summertime also means vacation time. When people take a holiday they go to other countries as easily as we go to other states. One of our friends is in Holland, another in Italy. It's a little frustrating for the missionaries because their contacts will sometimes travel for 3-4 weeks at a time. This week we built, taught, listened and saw. A great balance.
They are teaching each other. Almost done.

Our cute church that we have outgrown.

Triberg. Beautiful waterfalls, beautiful city.
Our wonderful congregation that is growing!
A precious find. We love swans and they love their babies.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

They smiled through the mosquito bites. We will miss these as they
leave us one by one.
Our weeks just keep rolling along so fast. Some weeks look like they will be pretty quiet and by Monday afternoon that all changes. The Young Single Adults came over to our apartment for an activity of climbing up our mountain (large hill) to "our" small castle. Who knew mosquitoes were so big and so many? We got up there with our picnic basket of food and ready to have a great time but the mosquitoes chased us away, after a few pictures, of course. We ate in our apartment, played a game of Tri-Raids and enjoyed each other's company anyway. We were happy to be with a young lady who is leaving on her mission this week, excited to share worries and expectations of another one of "our" girls who is going to Armenia on her mission, and talked about the anticipation of another young man who is waiting for his mission assignment. We love these people who have such a positive influence on us.

We took time out of our schedule to "attend" the funeral of an apostle
of the Lord. We can still picture his tall stature and infectious smile. He
was a great man whose influence will live on.
Speaking of tall stature - some of us need
a stool to communicate with our friend.

We didn't know they have monsoons in Germany! Our street was a
river in 5 minutes. We are happy it didn't last long.
We were privileged to attend the Temple again,
this time we took the sister missionaries.
We love this family and have become good friends.
We found this little bridge again. The river is the border between
Germany and Switzerland. You can stand in both countries at the
same time but you might get hit by a car. It is very narrow!
 Countryside walks are full of surprises.

Love this history.
Love these paths that go on forever.
Some of this was planned, some not, but we are grateful for all of these experiences in such a beautiful place.