Sunday, November 30, 2014

What mother wouldn't love a picture of her son scrubbing
 the floor so he can earn a candy bar?
We spent two days doing apartment checks These young missionaries are such a joy to be with and learn from. We visited 7 apartments, 16 missionaries, all working hard. One of the highlights of the week was being able to have 8 young missionaries over for Thanksgiving Dinner. They helped ease the pain of being away from family and were so much fun to be with. They brought food to share, set the table, helped with dishes, shared stories and laughter. It was a great time. We had an exceptional experience at church today - the lesson was given in German, translated into English for several visitors, one of those visitors translated it from English into Italian for another visitor. None of them (including one of the translators) had English or German as their mother language. When it got hard to translate they looked up scriptures. All of them were trying to learn more about Jesus Christ - they are an inspiration to us.

Lots of foggy days but we still get fantastic views.

One of my "helpers."

Celebrating American Thanksgiving including two Germans and a Dane.

They were asked to bring dessert - this is a "cookie" -  they were so proud!

Part of our family.

They called this "Opa Time."

One of the few times my gravy has turned out. Another blessing of
serving a mission - I learn to cook!!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Lots of travel this week. Mostly assignments with some fun thrown in. We went to Zone Training in Singen, Munich to get a new car, Neuschwanstein because it was kind of on the way home, and Bern for the Stake Temple trip. This represents only 3 of the 7 days of the week. The rest of the days we rested up, went on visits and made arrangements. Mostly we rested.
Our Freiberg Zone. The young missionaries teach each other and us, the old
people are just there to learn and marvel at the maturity of these 18-23 year olds.

Old car.
New car.

Some of the artwork on buildings in Bavaria.  
Such ingenuity. Why demolish a perfectly good building for a highway.

Looking up at Neuschwanstein.
Looking down from Neuschwanstein. Gorgeous views every where.

Couldn't get a picture of the whole castle, the miniature will have to do.
The camera was falling but we got the castle in the background.

After much walking to and around the castle we found a great place
for dinner. They put the closed sign up as we were reading the menu.

Lunch after Temple. They had planned on 120, 250 came, there
was plenty of food for everyone!
More of our fantastic fellow missionaries!

Parents of one of "our" favorite missionaries when we worked in Jena.
It was such a beautiful day, inside and out!

We see lots of beautiful things but the best part of serving a mission is being able to see miracles in people's lives every day. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

We had another traveling week but this time with missionaries closer to our age. Well, most of the time anyway. We went with "the kids" to Constanz and Sea Life. It was a very nice aquarium. Another senior couple had not had the opportunity to climb up Hohentwiel to see the fortress so we showed them the ropes. Too bad it was so foggy, you can usually see a great distance from up there. Another senior couple had not been through the Black Forest to Freiburg so we went on a great adventure to take them there. Because of strikes and rail repair the regular train schedule was not in effect and not posted otherwise. We took 3 trains and a bus to get there. They were great sports. It turned out to be another adventurous week.
"Our kids" that let us tag along on their adventures on "P" Day.
(Preparation Day)
Fun features at the aquarium.

It was a spectacular view, even through the fog.

Hohentwiel in the fog.

Freiburg with our new friends that are at the end of their mission. All
adventures need to include food, delicious German food.

A great way to end the week. A delicious German dinner with great people.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

My precious little treasure. I'm teaching her to say Oma!
This was another week of teaching and not so much driving and full of treasures! We taught in downtown. We enjoyed the fabulous music of the two South Americans (one from Ecuador, the other from Peru) who were playing right up the block from us. We taught the tall guy with the help of the little guy. We took the missionaries out to lunch after teaching and had the ever popular Doner. We have finally figured out we only need one to share. The young missionaries can still eat the whole thing by themselves. And I was able to find some treasures at a Flohmarkt (Flea Market) right around the corner from our apartment. I had told myself I wasn't going to buy stuff this time but I couldn't help myself! And the price was right!
And they were really nice guys!
Beautiful music, beautiful background, beautiful day. We bought their CD.

Two of the nicest guys you will ever meet!
One is just over 5 ft., the other almost 7 ft.

Yes, he ate the whole thing!
My treasures.

Monday, November 3, 2014

We worked a lot this week but managed to put some fun and food into the work! We had to say good bye to one of our finest Elders so of course that meant going out for pizza. We had to say good bye (for only a few weeks) to one of our good friends so of course we had to have a delicious dinner of pumpkin soup, salmon, creamed spinach and potatoes (seriously delicious)! We went to Stake Conference near Zurich so of course we had to swing by Lichtenstein on the way. At that conference we ran into one of "our" boys that served in Jena with us. When we get tired we can usually rest. When we get hungry there is always delicious German food to be found! When we get lonely there are always good friends nearby. When we get bored - yeah, right! We NEVER get bored!!
Our Senior Conference official picture. It was so fun to compare notes with people that
understood tired, frustration with language, responsibilities, missing family and we all
love what we are doing!

Good bye dear Elder, hello delicious pizza!!
Good bye dear friend, delicious cook - see you soon.

Beautiful little castle with a fantastic view of all
of Lichtenstein.

We took our own Maria VonTrapp with us.

Border crossing between Switzerland and Lichtenstein.

Beautiful Lichtenstein!

Our keller (basement) I know, random, but it had to be shared.
Our dear fellow missionary that we met in Jena and  lives near Zurich
with his darling wife.