Sunday, November 29, 2015

Another "typical week" for us - meetings, dinner appointments, Thanksgiving, picking up the repaired car (yeah), fixing the washing machine (yeah), spending time creating with Relief Society sisters - well, not everything was typical but it was a great week. We are grateful for miracles from a loving Heavenly Father, love of family and friends, opportunities to serve others and to be fed physically and spiritually.
Baking pumpkins for fresh pumpkin pie (thanks, Rod, for the
encouragement and directions.

Love these kids and the opportunity to work with them.

After a wonderful lunch appointment.

After Thanksgiving dinner. These "kids" can cook!

Good friends.

It's supposed to hang on the wall, yes,
but he thought it was a frame.

So fun creating with these ladies.

More good byes.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully the pies were a hit, and set the tone for a great Thanksgiving! Hugs from Forks.
